Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Greetings, JH406ers, as we must now call ourselves.

Yes, we're no longer 08ip06.
We are now JH406,
Thanks to the bright ideas of the school administration.
(I hope you catch the sarcasm.)

We are also changing classroom,
To TA33.
(just fyi, 01 is at 38, 02 at 37 03 at 36, o4 at 35, o5 at 34)
So yes, goodbye tc36,
We'll miss you, 'specially since we just got new fans ):

K on to reminders.
(K I admit I've stolen most of this from the o4 blog, HAHAHA)
  • Assembly's at 740, in case 2 months of holidays have addled your brain (:
  • Full grey, and remember your collarpin!
  • There's still time, so go cut your hair/trim your nails/and correct any other stuff Mr Cheng or whoever could catch you for.
  • Homework! Your chinese stuff, + Trigo, + is1102 revision thing, + the physics worksheet, + the practice thing here you find the density of an apple (sorry, forgot what it's called), + the things to read up on for physics.
  • &HAHA, since I'm such an LA person, I take this opportunity to tell you that there won't be LA modules in T1 and T4. )))))))): So you still have time to read The Crucible (it's about the Salem witch trials, incase you're wondering) and Flowers for Algernon (about the mouse and the guy, but you can go ask Ervin[: )
That's all I have for now,
But add on anything if you want.

Oh yes,
The Math banding thing,
Please do check your math band before school starts.
The link is here.

See you people back at school,

Sincerely hoping people actually read this blog,


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