Sunday, November 2, 2008

Chalet matters!

So yeah,
I hope everyone knows we're gonna go to the chalets at DOWNTOWN EAST.

So now I need EVERYONE to rsvp,
And tell me 1) Whether or not you're coming,
2) Whether or not you can stay over.

Please do this by NOON, 12PM, TOMORROW, MONDAY the THIRD OF NOVEMBER 2008.
Your kind cooperation is greatly appreciated.
(Read - thanks)

Oh and,
Food people, I hope ya'll know who you are (:
The confirmed list of people going will be up here by monday night,
So yeah, ya'll can refer to that.

Oh and we need somebody/a few somebodys to bring BBQ stuff.
(Read - charcoal, tongs, and all that jazz)
I might have some,
I'll check and we'll see what we still need.

So yupp!
The dates are the 10th and 11th November,
Next week monday and tuesday;



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